Take a look through Brad Bailey Law’s Media. We’re available to answer any questions or address what you need if you give us a call at 617-500-0252. If you would like to write to us, please fill out the contact form on our website or click on the button below. Thank you!
In The Media

Brad Bailey successfully argues in Fed Court for no jail time for ex-police detective

Brad and client addressing the media after the client’s arraignment on federal charges.
Channel 25 covers the 5th Mass.
State Trooper Arested in Overtime Scandal
Brad Comments on Jury Selection for Aaron Hernandez.
Jury selection begins in Aaron Hernandez's latest murder trial. Jury Selection underway in Aaron Hernandez's double murder trial.
Brad during Murder 1 trial in Los Angeles with client Christian Gerhartsreiter a/k/a Clark Rockefeller, in State of California v. Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter.
Brad with client (former Treasurer) Tim Cahill
Brad during NH Murder trial in State of NH v. Sheila LaBarre
Brad during Murder 1 arraignment in Middlesex Superior Court in Commonwealth v. Clark
Brad at a press conference outside Federal Court in Boston on United States v. Karen Tucker
One of Brad's TV interviews after securing a mistrial in Commonwealth v. Cahill
Brad commenting on developments in Aaron Hernandez (Odin Lloyd) murder trial.
Brad addressing reporters’ questions outside federal court in Boston regarding United States v. O’Brien, et al
Brad leaving Federal Court with client.
Brad providing television commentary regarding the federal death penalty ruling in United States v. Gary Lee Sampson
More Whitey Bulger trial commentary and expert analysis
Brad providing live televised legal analysis regarding cases related to the Boston Marathon Bombing
Brad providing live on-air analysis during the arraignment of Aaron Hernandez in connection with the murder of Odin Lloyd
One of Brad’s many television appearances to provide expert legal commentary regarding United States v. James (Whitey) Bulger
Brad During Murder Case Defending Client William J. Camuti

Brad, with client, answering questions from television reporters outside federal court in Boston